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February already and today’s date is particularly special!

February already and today’s date is particularly special!

I picked up on something interesting today, 02 02 2020, which makes today’s date pretty special.

It’s palindromic (the same forwards as backwards).

It’s also an isogram (only 2 digits each there 4 times) 

The next time this happens will be on 21st December 2112.

A couple of hours after midnight this morning, the time was 02:02:02 on 02 02 2020

Also, later this evening it will be 20:20:20 02 02 2020. 

Fascinating stuff!   

Wishing you a happy palindromic day! 

All that aside here we are in February already!

It feels like ‘Happy New Year’ for me as I’ve had most of January off, firstly with a fabulous holiday in New York and then looking after my mum.

It’s back to business now and I’m setting about executing my plans for the year.

How are you doing with yours? 

Did you make any New Year resolutions or promises to yourself about what you would get done this year? 

How good are you at keeping them? 

This might make you smile . . . or wince! 

Love them or hate them resolutions are often a hot topic throughout January, but then what? Oftentimes forgotten as life gets in your way. 

The new year will bring even the shyest of goal setters out of the woodwork as we’re bombarded with all the new year, new you stuff  like diet, health, gym membership etc. they all feature and often well in advance of Christmas!

And, of course, they play a huge part in business too.

In a business context we call them goals or objectives (have you had an annual appraisal?) or plans or maybe you work with KPI’s. 

Whatever. You can choose the word that works for you.

They key thing with goals <insert chosen word> you need to get them down on paper. You need to be specific and sharing them often helps you with some external accountability.  That way you are much less likely to use your ‘get out’ clause!

You will have heard to expression ‘goals without a plan are just dreams’ or perhaps a ‘goal without a date on it is just a dream’.

There’s plenty of models and templates out there for you to work with and I recommend you experiment with what works best for you. One size never fits all!

Start with a clear vision, map the steps you’ll need to achieve this then set your specific goals <insert chosen word> making sure these are aligned with your values.

AND now, as we leave the EU, it is certainly time (if you are in business and reading this) to give thought to some of the things you may not have already accounted for in your plan.

You can read more about some of the things you may need to consider here  

Whatever you have planned for 2020 I hope your year is already off to a cracking start for you.

If you need some help setting out your plans and working on a strategy to execute them a Conversation with Deborah could be just what you need! 

If it’s time to talk give me a call  

Wishing you success in all you do!

Best wishes



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